How an SEO Overhaul Transformed Woodproject’s Online Presence

Woodproject Case Study


In the fiercely competitive world of woodworking and custom-made furniture, Woodproject, a Serbian-based business, faced a significant challenge. To thrive in this niche market, they needed to establish a robust online presence.

This is where our specialized SEO agency came into play. From March 2023 to August 2023, we embarked on a transformative journey to create and optimize Woodproject’s website, propelling it to the forefront of online visibility and conversions. In this detailed case study, we delve into the strategies, results, and future prospects of this remarkable project.


Woodproject, an e-commerce store renowned for its custom-made furniture, aspired to not only enhance its online presence but also drive substantial sales in the highly specialized Serbian woodworking market. Given the formidable competition in this space, the mission was abundantly clear: create a brand-new website and rapidly optimize it to gain a strong foothold in Serbia.

Strategy and Execution

Comprehensive Keyword Research:

We initiated this project with an exhaustive and meticulous keyword research process, aimed at identifying the most valuable and low-competition keywords closely aligned with Woodproject’s wide array of products and services.

Content Planning:

Leveraging the extensive product inventory provided by the client, we devised an intricate content plan that strategically incorporated these carefully selected keywords into product listings and blog posts. This approach ensured a seamless and cohesive SEO strategy from the very beginning.

Website Design and Development:

Our dedicated team embarked on the task of designing and developing Woodproject’s website from scratch. Our primary focus was to craft a user-friendly interface with a responsive design that would set the stage for SEO optimization.

SEO Optimization:

The optimization process was incredibly thorough. We spared no effort in carefully refining every aspect of the website. This included product listings, meta tags, images, and content, all meticulously aligned with the best SEO practices to maximize visibility on popular search engines.


Our strategic approach to enhancing Woodproject’s online presence yielded truly remarkable results within just five months, effectively showcasing the immediate impact of a well-executed SEO strategy:

  • New User Growth: Astonishingly, the website welcomed a substantial influx of 1.9K new users. This achievement is all the more impressive when considering the constraints of the small Serbian market.
  • Total Events: The website buzzed with over 15K total events, encompassing product views and interactions. These statistics underscored the tremendous engagement and interest generated by the newly optimized website.
  • Positive Business Impact: Most importantly, the SEO-driven traffic directly translated into revenue, fulfilling the primary objective of the website, which was to generate income for the client.
  • Sustained Traffic: Remarkably, even after a temporary break in website updates since August, traffic continued to flow steadily. This enduring impact stands as a testament to the enduring benefits of our SEO strategy.

Best performing pages & posts:

Best performing blogs:

We targeted keywords that were niche-relevant, easier to rank for because of the new website factor and had a very good amount of monthly searches.

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Future Directions

Woodproject’s initial success is just the beginning of an exciting journey. As we resume our work on the website, we eagerly anticipate building upon these impressive achievements, further solidifying Woodproject’s position as a prominent player in the woodworking and e-commerce landscape within Serbia. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we continue to optimize and expand Woodproject’s online presence, ultimately ensuring its continued success in the dynamic digital world.

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